Thursday, May 19, 2011

Our exciting activity!

At school me Eva, George, Ayla, Sylvie, Katrina and Charlotte manged to get all of us up on the pole that leads up to the rope swing. We did this because we thought that it was a good and fun idea. Eva was on the far right Sylvie went next to Eva, Katrina went on the far left, Ayla went next to Katrina. Charlotte went in the front on the middle pole George went behind Charlotte and I went behind George! Since then we've been building a hut!

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Thursday, May 5, 2011

My holidays

In the holidays my friend Scarlett and my brothers friend Caleb came to our house because they are our friends and we wanted them to stay.When we got back from the airport we ate lunch and drunk fizzy drinks because it was Scarlett's birthday the next day.

After we had lunch we went to Founders Park,as we got there we saw that the Rail Car was running so we asked my mum if we could go on it but the next ride was in one hour!while we were waiting we looked around at the old hospital and other stuff.After it had been an hour we finally got to ride on the Rail Car but unfortunately not for free.When we got to the big pile of dirt we all said"Uh Oh!"Then the driver said "It's more uh oh then you think that's the main toilet block at Myazu Gardens!".So we had to back to were we started from.Then we went back to say thank-you we got an ice-block and I got a Menphis Meltdown,we put our rubbish in the bin and walked home.